Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Us, corporate-like?

Omg! 32 questions and around 10 questions are coming out. I am so gonna struggle for this paper, man. Should study yesterday but then, thanks to period pain that I had to stay in my bed until the next day –__-


May’s question to me: Do you realise it’s the last time we are staying up and studying together?


Imagine the next time we see each other staying up, online, doing our last minute departmental reports or departmental assignments that needed to be handed in to our boss the next day.


Also, imagine those guys, sending us their questionnaires for their companies’ market research and have presentation the next day?


And also, imagine our smart friend who start to do his client’s audit report two days before the deadline. Instead ‘I’m gonna fail’, it is going to be ‘I’m gonna get fired’.


Seriously, I cannot imagine all of us in corporate-like. I prefer us being students, though I really hate exams –__-


Also, why am I blogging here when I am supposed to be memorising those beloved 32 questions? At wits end

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