The first time that I saw him was at Black & White Party. A very stand out person at the party due to his amazing height! I do not know much about him, as neither does he know much about me. However, I am really delighted that he could remember me :D now you know much it hurts if you do not remember those who actually remember you =( There were a lot of interns' party going on but I missed it. Therefore, it was my second time AND the last time to see him at his farewell party.
Around 9.00PM, we were to gather at his place; drink booze, eat snacks, mingle around and music. Due to hunger, I was very caught up with the snacks there -- Twisties. Instead of alcoholic beverage. Alright, I'm lying. I did take beer (shared with Kv) and unexpectedly, took vodka as well. It happened when I went to kitchen, looking for Coke -- I was thirsty. And this guy asked if I want vodka. You know, at such party, nobody will not not drink booze. Therefore, I would have to say yes. Okay, I know I have the choice to say no. He mixed vodka with orange juice instead of Sprite. Well, I'd like to try something new. I took a sip and omg, it was so strong! Seeing nobody paid any attention to me, I added in Sprite. If you know how to do Maths, my drink is mixed with Vodka, Orange Juice and Sprite. I kept adding Orange Juice after I drank one quarter or so and like Charlie said, I could never finished my drink!

The people

Spotted: Jul and Cc socializing while Kv and I were stick together like the previous B&W Party

Music was turned off and everyone was chased out of the house. The end of the party.
Joke joke jokeeeee...
All of us headed towards Frangipani @ Changkat Bukit Bintang clubbing! O.o I thought we were supposed to go to a bar or to be specific, a gay bar. Anyway, we danced all night and not forgetting, camwhoring as well. Oh! We saw some live shows as well and Cc and I spotted this hot guy among us and we even managed to take picture with him. It was so funny! Best part? 0h-my, there are a lot of hot guys!! Fyi, Cc was hit on by an Indian fella! More information, check her blog, that is if she blog about it :P
Alright, everyone knows that clubs usually close at 3.00AM so what did we do after that? Definitely not going home. Supper, alright. BUT! A number of us crashed McDonald nearby O.o It is not an everyday occasion to see people from around the world, crashing McDonald at that hour! It was really fun!
Reached home around 5.00AM and oh, Cc stayed over my place. Bad hospitality I had for her. I am terribly sorry, babe. It was so unpredictable. Will make it better next time, if you are going to stay over my place again that is :D
To add-on: Jul, Cc, Kv, Charlie and I were the only Malaysians at the party. It seems to us that we are more like foreigners IN Malaysia O.o We were like the rare species among all of them! XD
Hope you had fun in Malaysia. I believe everyone will definitely miss you -- including me :D
1 comment:
Im honored..... :-D
How could I ever forget a person that writes such nice blogs!!! ;-)
Thnx so much! We DEF will meet in Holland after you have planned ur "robbery"! ;-)
All the best!
David (The tall Dutch guy)
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