My eyes were opened wide when I saw it was already 8.48AM!
What about it?
My final exam paper for today was 9.00AM!! OMG!
I cannot afford to fail EVEN one paper or else I am screwed!
Note: Fortunately, I am not screwed. Thanks to my boyfriend who purposely drove me to the exam hall and also, thanks to Suat May for text-ing me my seat number which saved me a lot of time.
I want to graduate this year!
Why would you want to step into the man-eat-man world so fast?
No, I don't want to. However, if I get to graduate this year, next year, I am able to undergo my longggg-awaiting internship abroad through AIESEC International Exchange Program! I can work in whichever country that I want to so long the employer would want to hire me.
Alright, back to the topic. I know most of you do not really know me. It is easy to know me. Once you talk to me, you would get to know a lot of things about me because firstly, I am blur. Secondly, I am easily conned. I am gullible. Ask my friends. They know me best!
Thirdly, my infamous habit for being hard to get up from my bed. I love to sleep too much that I tend to oversleep a lot which explains why I skipped a lot of my lectures and tutorial classes.
Sigh. Just like what happened today. I set my alarm 7.30AM before I turn in. Yeah, my alarm did ring but I re-set my alarm to 7.45AM and went back to sleep. And yeah, it did ring again. HOWEVERRR, the lazy me slacked and it turned out this way!
It was just only my second paper. I still have 2 more papers to go, Wednesday and Thursday respectively, in the morning some more!
I hope I will not OVERSLEEP again.
I do not want to screw up!
good luck for your exams!
Thank you! :D
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