The opening plenary
Breakfast with Mr. Incredible and Dash
Camwhoring during break
Gay-ing during break
Our PBox! Yayy!
Camwhoring after lunch
It's time for individual pictures!
Ke Vin
Chee Chung
Mun Peng
Alright! I know you are tired of seeing those kind of pictures. Back to the schedule. Bafa-Bafa Game next!
Tortured T.T
The consequences of sleeping like a pig XD
Team Building 2
Skill Building
I was in Team A. We managed to beat Team B but did not manage to beat the Faci & OC Team. We claimed ourselves 'no-need-strategy-team.'
Next was the 'eating-bananas-attached-on-string-without-hands' game.

Ganasnya aku XD (Kesiann Mun Peng and Vincent who had to carry me up XD)
To be honest, I am really good in eating banana. I swallowed everything. LOLz! The worst thing was, we had to eat the banana even if it fell on the floor. I was told by Diana or Shikin that I was so cute, like a dog, chasing to get the banana on the floor. Compliment? =.=" Sporting marr..
Anyway, we managed to beat Team B again!
Anyway, we managed to beat Team B again!

The next battle with the Faci & OC Team
And Team A won!! Yoo hoo! I was so proud!

(Vincent, May, Ke Vin, Timothy, Mun Peng, ME, Swee Wan and Ka Wei)

Musical chair.
I gave up in the end because Stefan was really a dangerous person. He and his butt =.=" That was why Timothy was tendang into the circle.

Our punishment from the OC
There are more pictures for the second day of LLDS. I will upload them once I had collected most of the pictures from the other cameramen.
Coming up with the third or last day of LLDS..
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