Monday, June 21, 2010

Shanghai Xujiahui Walking Tour

It was beautiful Saturday that I decided to do a walking tour in Xujiahui. I had always wanted to do this but due to procrastination, I finally had to do it since I had to leave China in less than a week.



The first stop was this amazing Xuhui Middle School where you could admire this historic red bricked building.




Next was this famous St. Ignatius Cathedral which is a major landmark in Xujiahui which I had always heard from people. This amazing building wouldn’t let anyone down with its amazing architecture and structure. And like what I had told Cw and May, it was my very first time to go to church in Shanghai. So much for being a Catholic.



I decided to walk around Guangqi Park before heading to my last destination of the day. My camera’s battery was dying on me so, I decided to call the day earlier. Else, I could have gone to Qibao. This park, like most of the parks in China, is very typical with Chinese men playing chess while the Chinese women would sit together and gossip.



Next destination was Longhua Temple and Pagoda where I had to take a bus. Unfortunately, visitors are not allowed to climb the pagoda, boo and therefore, I went only to the temple. It took me less than half an hour before I decided to take another bus back home. Nevertheless, it was a nice day even though I had drinks and slept in late on the previous night.


Though the walking tour was tiring, it didn’t stop me from having a night-out with my friends. We had a good time and my, by the time I hit the sack, it was already five in the morning.

Had to do another sightseeing the next day though: Qibao.

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